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Welcome to The Chembow, your source for orgonite and orgonite information! Check out our orgonite making tutorials and support our work at our shop.
Since 2014, we have been restoring the weather and climate in the western USA, neutralizing cell phone towers using simple orgonite towerbusters.
The key to a healthy climate is energetic, and orgonite is the solution anyone can use right now to bring back a natural balance to the atmosphere, clear pollution, and end drought. The weather is no longer a mystery with the science of orgonomy! We have gifted thousands of TBs and are here to help you add to the grid and neutralize electromagnetic pollution in your own home.
Orgonite can be both beautiful and powerful! We offer masterfully crafted, artistic orgonite for EMF protection in the home, and wearable orgonite, including pendants for people and pets. We also offer raw crystals you can use to make your own orgonite or as specimen displays, as well as chlorine dioxide solution!

Sharon's 2020 book, Invisible Soldiers, Silent War is available in print and PDF only at our shop. Get the in depth story of how we restored California's climate, and beyond!
Please visit the blog:
Somewhere Under the Chembow
for updates on the energetic war.
New Video Channels:
Contribute to our cause! Your donations go toward our orgonite gifting, and are gratefully accepted. To donate by check, please contact us for details. Thank you!

"Man himself is responsible for desert making and desert breaking. Man has the tools of knowledge and the tools of technology at his disposal today to combat desert development, and even to turn existent deserts back into green, rich pastures for man and animal alike. THE FIRST OBSTACLE IN THE WAY OF OROP DESERT IS NOT THE OUTER DESERT, BUT THE INNER, EMOTIONAL DESERT OF MAN."
-Wilhelm Reich (founder of orgonomy)
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