I have been photographing the sky since March 2013. This began as a daily blogging exercise to document the geoegineering in Los Angeles. When I first began, I did not realize that we had the tools to combat geoengineering, but felt compelled to record what I thought would be the gradual destruction of our Earth and the eventual death of all life.
In April 2014, Team Chembow began making orgonite and gifting it to the city and state, and by now we have distributed thousands of pieces across the western US. The weather changes since this time have been remarkable. Based on photographs from before we started our work, we have learned that there were others with orgonite in LA before us, but we did not understand that we were seeing the effects of orgone energy on the sky and weather until we began working with it ourselves. Working with orgone energy has explained a lot about the strange skies we were seeing even before we began our work, and has alleviated the fear that all of this was being "done to us." Once you see that there is a push back against geoengineering, you realize that weather warriors have been responsible for the clean-ups we see of the air pollution and DOR clouds, as Wilhelm Reich called them. The parasites running these destructive programs are not all powerful. Many of the strange skies are the result of geo-restoration.
Energetic Warfare in California
Here are examples of skies where DOR dominates over OR. The pollution and flattened clouds are a result of bombardment by deadly energy from cell towers, antenna arrays, and wireless signals acting on air pollution and natural clouds. Without these positively ionizing energies present, pollution would not be able to persist and healthy clouds could form.
Click on photos for larger view and descriptions.

This photo was taken in the morning on Jan. 3, 2014, a few months before we started gridding Los Angeles with orgonite. By the end of the day, the sky was completely DORized.

This is the sky at the end of the day on Jan. 3, 2014, after a full day of heavy DOR. There is nothing clearing the sky, as the deadly orgone (DOR) is stronger than orgone energy (OR).

Electromagnetic radiation acting upon a DORized sky creates ultra fine ripples.

This view is from West LA facing the ocean where the air is naturally clean if ORized. This is after a full day of heavy deadly energy bombardment.

There is moisture in the sky, but it is just spread out. The chembow is light hitting DORized water molecules.

Our team was severely compromised in early 2016 and had difficulty maintaining the healthy orgone energy in Southern California. Deserts are caused by deadly orgone, which is what you see in this photo.

Bakersfield is a DOR sink in the Central Valley. A "smoggy" look in the sky is caused by heavy deadly radiation, not necessarily by automobiles, which is why we often see this layer over the ocean and in remote areas without traffic or industry. Even in the absence of chemtrails, the energy emitted by the cell tower arrays and smart devices cause illness, malaise, and drought through positively ionizing and DORizing the atmosphere.

Layer of "smog" at the horizon with DOR clouds transmuting above. The two can often be seen together.
Orgone Energy Transmuting DOR, Restoring Natural Skies
It is important to understand that not everything we see in the sky is a threat. Once we become aware of the chemtrails, the initial reaction is often fear or anger, neither of which accomplish anything. For many years, there have been individuals fighting back through the use of orgone energy. When one understands how it looks when chemtrails are removed from the sky and the deadly energy is neutralized, it becomes obvious that whatever these pollutants are no longer represents a danger in areas where orgonite has been deployed. Many people are troubled when they see chemtrails, even if they are being cleaned. These programs, which are artificial intelligence, are running around the clock and there are no days off, so one may expect to see some DOR clouds much of the time. Therefore, people must take responsibility by both eliminating the harmful technologies which contribute to this problem (their own wireless devices), and also by making or buying orgonite and distributing it to their communities and other afflicted areas.
Click on images of weather warfare in action and descriptions of how OR works against DOR.

Orgone energy causes chemtrails to twist and break up, rather than spread across the sky.

This is a clear example that this is not normal air traffic. The trail has been curved in on itself in the orgone vortex. We have seen countless examples of this pattern, which are an indicator of the crafts losing control of their navigation in the high OR field.

Another example of the curving trail in the vortex. The orgone concentration is very strong, resulting in the coherent clouds emerging just to the left of center, the deepness of the blue behind it, and the disintegration of the trail itself.

This is transmutation in action in the early stages of the process. Here, the DOR clouds at the top of the photo are being thrown away by the orgone energy vortex, leaving pure water vapor at the bottom of the photo.

The hole created in the clouds as well as the six points of cloud in the upper left portion of the hole are a typical result of using a chembuster to clean the sky. This photo is consistent with images others have taken of chembusters working, and was the impetus for Team Chembow to begin experimenting with orgonite. This is not our work, but an observation we made in the summer of 2013.

Orgone energy creates a spiraling wave form which cleans the sky. This is over Chembow HQ when we were in Hollywood.

When at one time, this would have seemed like a frightening aerosol mass coming in off of the ocean, with the knowledge of the action of orgone, one can see the large spiraling shape, which is the shape of the wave form of orgone energy. Spirals in the sky are becoming increasingly common as orgonite is becoming more widespread.

These patterns are often erroneously labeled by certain mystical sects of the new age movement as “sylphs,” or air spirits. This is actually an orgone energy vortex acting on DOR.

Funnel shaped clouds are an indication of the push and pull of orgone energy as pollution is thrown away from the Earth. The spiraling shape, once again, is the shape of the wave form of orgone energy as water molecules are freed.

Another example of transmutation. As the toxins are drawn out, only water vapor remains, notably in the very top of this photo.

The sky is in various stages of transmutation. To the left of center, the haziness indicates little progress. At the top, the DOR is being neutralized and the liberated water vapor is turning into coherent clouds. At the center are the last wisps before all is transmuted. Sunlight reflects off water vapor being freed in the vortex.

An excellent example of an orgone energy vortex in action. The funnel cloud at center is in the middle of being liberated from the DOR. The shape is due to the spiral wave form and push and pull of orgone energy. The rest of the vapor in the top half of the photo has already undergone this process.

Often when orgone energy acts upon DOR skies, there is a fuzzy look, water vapor is liberated. The next stage is the gathering of water droplets into small, bright white clouds, as the sky turns a deepening blue color.

Orgone energy acts on DOR clouds removing toxins and freeing the water vapor. At this stage the clouds still are in lines caused by the electromagnetic manipulation. The lines will disappear once all of the deadly energy is neutralized and hydrogen bonding between water molecules increases.

Cumulus type clouds form as DOR clouds are broken down by orgone energy.

Clean and pure water vapor is liberated. This is the stage where water and pollution are being separated. Again, note the blurriness and dynamic action of our energetic sky.

In nature, lenticular clouds form over mountains, which have a natural orgone energy field. These clouds formed in the flats of Hollywood directly over Chembow HQ in the first week of orgone experimentation. This happened after a heavy DOR assault, which followed our first orgone induced rain. All toxins spiraled together and were swept from the sky.

The same clouds gathering up further, ending our first major victory in the energetic war, April 26, 2014.

The beauty that only comes from geo-restoration. These new skies are given to us by weather warriors who defeat the parasites who DORize the atmosphere. They are not to be feared, but to be savored. This is the first and only time in history humanity will witness this transformation.

After an orgone induced rain, the sky is negatively ionized and pure, without pollution and full of healthy cumulus clouds.